Hi there, my name is Josh Fletcher. I am thrilled to be working with Strength & Conditioning Education as their career support coach. Over the coming months I’ll be delivering webinars and resources to help support your career development.
Strength and conditioning is a helping industry. It is so easy to put the dreams, wants, needs and well-being of others, mainly our athletes, above our own. This works just fine until it doesn’t.
Slowly apathy towards the job starts to creep in as we struggle to switch off, be present at home and resent what we once loved.
That succinctly describes my 18-year career in elite environments, it doesn’t matter what I did or who I worked with, what matters is what I learnt and how you might be able to apply that to your life and career so you can enjoy a fulfilling and sustainable career.
On my journey I never had a mentor, I was a lone ranger and did everything the hardest way possible, I didn’t know it at the time, but I periodised my career and mapped my path from day 1. I took the principles we use with our athletes and applied them to myself and my career. Ask yourself, where are my knowledge gaps, skill gaps and application gaps? How can I plug those? What support do I need and what are my checkpoints? That’s career periodisation, breaking down the core competencies of the industry and being intentional about your development.
I’m delighted to be partnering with SCE to offer you a range of support options relating to your well-being, I translate lessons learnt from working with Olympic medallists, the Special Forces, F2 racing drivers, and pro athletes across 6 countries and 3 continents to the context of your everyday life. I have transitioned out of sport and now coach you, the coaches to build sustainable, fulfilling careers on a foundation of work: life harmony, healthy boundaries and clear direction.
You’ll hear a lot more from me through the various SCE channels as I share my wild, turbulent and pretty crazy story of failure, wins, burnout, bullying, growth and exiting the industry.
Look forward to seeing you on the free Career Periodisation webinar on the 3rd of September, [click here to register now]
Talk soon,